mom on a mission

this is my blog, my opnions, my play pen. dont like what you read, move on!

Friday, December 16, 2011

first blog in ages, finally had a minute

its been ages since i blogged basically because i have zero time!! i miss blogging, it helps me cope with things. up date on my mom, shes home with me, receiving hospice care, and ive taken a brief leave from work to care for her until after the first of the year when i will have more help with her care.  we had a horrible scare with kristopher, but THANK GOD the tumor is benign and just needs to be removed and bone marrow replaced.

There have been alot of other things going on also. More personal things in the family unit that has shocked us all and rocked us to our core.  Things i believed to be true and taught all my life have been turned upside down.  Ive also been rejected a second time by the woman who gave birth to me. apparently i dont have enough time to devote to her since im caring for my mom, that she has yet again decided to turn her back and walk away. so far the year 2011 has been alot of crap! im hoping 2012 will bring happiness, peace, health and stability for us all.